Dancing with Grief
Event s 2

Dancing with Grief

Organizzato da: Natalie Grace

Espai Piluso. C/Salvà, 68 Vedi mappa Espai Piluso. C/Salvà, 68

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Dancing with Grief is a workshop dedicated to releasing the emotion of grief built up inside of us. In our society, we are constantly going through changes, losses and sometimes the death of loved ones. We are, often times, not granted the space to grieve these circumstances, so the tension can build up in our bodies, causing physical pain and stress. The intention of Dancing with Grief is for people to have a safe space to release these built up emotions by way of dance. Natalie Grace will use guided meditation and a curated playlist to lead the group into connecting with their grief, while at the same time helping them find they are capable of also holding space for themselves. The idea is that in this session, the grieving will be done simultaneously individually and collectively. If you have any questions or would like to know more about how this workshop will be facilitated please contact Natalie Grace.

Dancing with Grief is for you if you want to explore your feelings related to but not limited to:

the current inhumane situations happening in the world

the passing of a loved one


climate change

the rupture of a relationship

transition into motherhood

receiving news of a diagnosis of a loved one or yourself

moving to another country

changing jobs

and any major change of your life

*none of the above situations need to have happened recently

About the facilitator: Natalie Grace

Natalie Grace is an energetic body healer and an all around performer. Natalie started her personal journey of healing work 11 years ago when she received her first reiki session. Since then, Natalie has investigated and delved into different practices to discover connections between, energy, body, emotion and soul. She uses what she has learnt in the healing sessions she provides and in her performances. She most recently came back from an introspective journey in Crete facilitated by the Dancing Serpent Mystery school. There, she used self-healing methods involving archetypes and Yungian shadow work to release personal and ancestral trauma. Furthermore, while there, her calling became even stronger, to transmit the medicine she has received to others. To share her magic so that others can see theirs.

On another note, Natalie has used dance as a way of grieving all of her life. Since she was a child, funerals of family members or friends were celebrated with tears, memories, laughter and dance. She is honored that her family has brought her up this way and having lived 4 deaths of loved ones and 1 death of a relationship in the past 4 years, she has found this connection to dance and communal grieving more necessary than ever. Natalie has also been dancing Afro-Caribbean dance for 10 years, which has taught her how to open up her body to music.

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